So one of my new years resolutions has been to keep up with my Grateful journal. Grateful journal you ask? What in the world is that? Why it is a book that each day i write one thing that I am grateful for. The thing I really like about this book is that it doesn't have to be something really meaningful. One day I can write how thankful i am that i found my blue socks to match my blue pants or other days i can say how thankful i am for peanut butter. it's really cool to be able to express myself in a way that doesn't have to involve a lot of thinking. (let's be honest here people, i don't do too much of that!) it does give me the chance to have a more positive attitude on my life. i find so much negativity and a lot of that comes from me. i know that i have a sarcastic dry wit about me and a lot of that humor that expunges from my mouth is making fun of others or insulting the ones i love. i think that i create this bubble around me to ensure that people don't get too close. i really don't know why. you would think it would have something to do with people always leaving me throughout my life but that really isn't the case. i guess i like an air of mystery surrounding me and keeping people at bay offers that? who knows. i think that it in effect is creating a situation where i negatively see the world. i would like to be a little more positive. Hence, the grateful journal. Why not try out something that really helps me be a more positive person and maybe in turn my bubble will slowly start to evaporate!
Any other thoughts on resolutions? My 2011 plate is looking pretty full right now so I would appreciate easy ones!
This is a really good book but I have no more use for it. I don't know if you know anyone who needs it for school but I am trying to sell it. If by chance you go to Amazon look for trikbstudios (my account) and click on my book! I would really appreciate it.